
Sunday, October 7, 2012


We decided to go camping!  We went to Parque Nacional La Muralla, which is obviously a National Park in Honduras about 2 hours away from Juti.  After leaving the city about 3 hours later than we intended and arriving at the cabin after dark, four of the boys worked on the fire, and everyone else ate sandwiches.  And yes, cabin, two people slept in a tent, and that's only because the man who owned the cabin highly suggested I not sleep next to the fire.  So, we weren't real camping, but the best part of camping is sitting around a fire drinking beer, talking, and every so often singing, so we got that right.

I took these in the morning.  A beautiful morning it was:


"The Earth is all of ours.  Some have already died, others are living, but the majority have not yet been born.
We protect our outdoors."

In the morning, we realized we had accidently run the battery all night and had to find someone close enough by to help us.  One of the gringos had taken his motorcycle out there, so he was able to find a farmer who lived nearby and who could lend us the battery out of his truck.  Funnily enough, though, the first people he found were Americans, refused to help, and ended up at the same cabin were we were waiting to get a jump.  It was pretty awkward.

This car has already taken me on some pretty great adventures, thanks to my neighbor.  Looking forward to the rest of them.

Recently, I've been having some very socially satisfying interactions with locals.  For example, I needed something from the local store (I'm not sure what to call it because it's a cross between a pulperia and a grocery store), but it was closed.  My friend and I asked some people at a near by shop if they knew were to go and they did, but they also walked us there!  And spoke to us in Spanish!  And helped correct us when we said something stupid!  They were some of the nicest people I've meet, but the thing is, after this happened, this sort of interaction is pretty consistent.  It's probably because my Spanish is getting better, and I'm absolutely loving it.  Well, my Spanish isn't that much better.  I told a woman "Vamos a un ATM" when I meant "Voy a ir un ATM."  I must sound so silly all of the time. 
But I'll get there.

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