
Sunday, August 12, 2012


 Beunos dias, amigos!  Tengo unas fotos para ustedes!

These first three are pictures of my classroom.  I got really lucky because mine is huge.  Apparently other people have classrooms where there isn't even enough room for the kids to put their chairs on their desks at the end of the day.  I have enough room for putting a desk in the corner for discipline, which I'm pretty stocked about.  I'm going to try to be really strict, at least at first.

These next two are other parts of the school.  The first is leading up to the cafeteria and the other is the inside.

So, these are pictures on the walk to the school.  I have yet to take pictures that better represent what the town really looks like, but there are horses and cows and chickens/roosters everywhere.  And dogs, of course.  I haven't seen very many cats, though, which I found surprising.  Every morning around 4 am, the roosters start and go until about 6:30 or 7 am, and the sun goes down super early, at like 6ish, so it makes it hard to go out at night.  The locals stay up really late on the weekends, obviously, but as a female gringo who doesn't speak Spanish, I'm not really going to go out late until I feel like I more understand the situation.  I'm going to start with seeing the sites and hiking and all that before I see what the nightlife is like.

This is my room!  I didn't have that desk/dresser until Friday, but now my stuff is more put away.  I also think I'm going to get a mirror for my room.  The one I've been using is tiny in the bathroom, so there's a lot of back and forth when I get ready in the morning.  It would also just be a cool souvenir.  That and a million other things.  One of the other teachers was talking about how he wanted to get a door custom made by one of the locals and put it to use in every house he lives in.  Clever idea.  I suggested he also go visit Africa and get one of this handmade door handles.  I couldn't remember the tribe name, but the internet thinks it's the Banama Tribe.

The views from my window!  It's been really cloudy like this everyday, which is really nice.  I guess when it gets hot it gets really hot.  Like, all the green turns brown and everything is dusty and it's horrible.  So, basically being in Southern New Mexico during the summer before the rains start, just with less air conditioning.

This little dude was just hanging out in our backyard!  Geckos are everywhere.

I've tried the beer!  I've had two local kinds so far, and they're really light.  Like, they're the kind of beer that college students drink because they want to get drunk on cheap beer.  I really like it, though, because I only just this summer started drinking nice beer on a regular basis.  Besides, it's so hot and humid here, I don't think you would want anything heavier than Imperial.  It seems, also, that they're way more into hard alcohol here.  We were drinking the other night and no one brought beer, and I guess they don't sell cases, they just sell single beers.  Maybe not in stores, but I've only seen them as singles so far.  I also haven't been in La Colonia, the grocery store, yet.  Hopefully later today, though.  It looks really nice.  On that note, I'm really excited to start cooking with the local produce.  A coupe other teachers and I have cooked together twice yet, but just with the stuff the school provided for us, and mostly just because it looked like it was going to go bad.  But it was green bell peppers, potatoes, carrots, onions, and rice.  I mean, everyone is forced to be a locavore here, which is so great.  The only stuff you can get is what's in season, so I'm going to have to expand my cooking expertise.

Everything is really cheap here.  I just got a double americano for 20 lempiras, which is like 1 USD.  I've also had an entire meal for 20 lemps.  I bought a pack of cigarettes for 38 lemps!  I mean, the cigarettes are not as nice as I'm used to, but I'm also used to smoking American Spirits and nothing is as nice as that, but I was talking to my neighbor who was saying that there's some local tobacco around here somewhere, so maybe I can go on a little trip and get a really fresh pack.  I hope they don't just have cigars.

Hasta luego!

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